July 27, 2024


I love and embrace my flaws.

Response to Story Memorization Presentations

3 min read
Response to Story Memorization Presentations

Stories, songs, and marketing blurbs keep the knack to orb in your mood for days if they are created correctly. There is definitely a distinct formula to transpire to ensure the report you are trying to chase commit hold staying power

Response to Story Memorization Presentations

Response to Story Memorization Presentations

Memorization is clue to communicating a good report Almost everyone can solution the issue of a line of some pop song from his or her youth name for title is asked. This is because music, as a den of storytelling, is remarkably visceral and can elicit painfully deep emotions in people. The question is how does it do this? What makes music, or stories that utilize rhyme and pulsation in general, capable of implanting themselves into our minds without prolonged study? After hearing many information presentations, I suppose I”ve found the answerIn every welfare song or short, ring size chart, rhyming story, progression is key. The plots are always moving and hardly circumstance is spent on descriptive factors This is because, the longer you delay on one slant of a message like a description, the easier it is for the audience to procure bored Descriptions are chiefly used to allot a absolute portrayal of something, but succinct stories and harmonization don”t have that advantage. There are only so many lines at their disposal and every one countsI don”t sense if it”s because I keep a awful memory or not, but I cannot honestly place a single string from stories that I”ve recently heard or scrutinize I can remember bits and phrases, but not any perfect line. I endure this is because none of them utilized true progression Yes, almost all of them had a beginning, middle, and end, but you can splice a lot of words into eighteen lines Most of these talking were used to tell things: How kin looked, where they were, or why they were doing entity If more conviction was put into nearing the scenario in some grade of linear, easy-to-follow progression, I suppose all stories would be much easier to follow. Take a facts I recently heard about a denominate center operator and thir interactions with the customer I comprehend the title of the operator and the typical belief of the information yet cannot remember any lines.I also assume that metaphor and simile add to the trap of remembering stories, while cliche actually helps In fact, if you”re going to use a metaphor or simile, might as well make them cliches because that seems like the only system kinsfolk are going to remember them. Cliches are cliches because we”ve all heard them a million times. So, when they”re heard, they stick with us much easier than metaphors or similes that can become uncommonly abstract, depending on the authorRow, row, column your bottom gently down the stream Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream. Repetition is another clue factor that not many stories utilize The farmer and the dell is another prototype of how repetition can really help your data out I would keep liked to hear an paragon of this to see if I retained it to determine how required it really is. I reckon the leading lesson here though is, obtain it simple. The twin is true with afafir names Take Specialty Answering Service. The period of the crew uses the name answering service in the interval reiterating what it is they do Imagine if the troupe was names 77 telephones, you may retain a fatiguing time determining who they are or what they do. Try to have progression on the mind, don”t overdo it with metaphors and similes that could be too abstract, and try to include repetition because it seems to be a tried and true paradigm of benefit storytelling that”s attainable to remember

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